So my 5 week old DS has spit up a ton from the beginning, but over the last 3-4 days, it's become projectile several times a day. So I took him to the pedi today, who sent us for an upper GI series. Got that done (fun, spur of the moment with an almost 5 year old along, over lunch time!) and he does not have pyloric stenosis (Yay!) and they didn't see any reflux, but they admitted that he could still have it, it just didn't show up that fast.

So after the report was sent to the pedi, I talked with him and he thinks it's just strong reflux causing the projectile vomitting and that the options are:

*thickening his milk (hard to do when breastfeeding!)
*using some sort of medicine that empties his stomach faster (don't know the name yet)
*possibly switching to formula if the meds don't work

I would be fine thickening his milk, but I'd pretty much have to pump or formula feed, however, I've never heard of a med to help empty the stomach and I guess I'm a little leary of the idea, although I don't have a clear reason why. Is this common practice? I should mention that DS has been on Zantac for a couple weeks, but I haven't noticed any real difference.

Why wouldn't we try something like Prevacid first/instead of Zantac or the new med? (I never think of these questions when I'm on the phone!)

Any thoughts/BTDT?


By the way, when I say projectile, massive amounts (I'd guess at least 4 oz. at a time) shoots out his mouth and nose, sometimes with no warning, sometimes with a lot of fussing beforehand.